Plan and Estimate | SCRUMstudy The SBOK® Guide is now available for download in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Deutsch, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese & Arabic!
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Plan and Estimate

The Plan and Estimate phase consists of the following processes:

  1. Create User Stories - In this process, User Stories and their related Acceptance Criteria are created by the Product Owner and incorporated into the Prioritized Product Backlog. User Stories are designed to ensure that the customer’s requirements are clearly depicted and can be fully understood by all business stakeholders.
  2. Estimate User Stories - In this process, the Scrum Team, supported by the Scrum Master, estimates the User Stories and identifies the effort required to develop the functionality described in each User Story.
  3. Commit User Stories - In this process, the Scrum Team commits to deliver Product Owner-approved User Stories for a Sprint. The results of this process are the committed User Stories and the Sprint Backlog.

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  1. Identify Tasks - IIn this process, the committed User Stories are broken down into specific tasks and compiled into a Task List.
  2. Estimate Tasks - In this optional process, the Scrum Core Team estimates the effort required to accomplish each task in the Task List.
  3. Update Sprint Backlog - In this process, the Scrum Core Team updates the Sprint Backlog with further details about the tasks as part of the Sprint Planning Meeting.

Following is the data flow diagram of the Implement phase, broadly showing how different processes are connected to each other. For more details on different processes, please refer to SBOK® Guide.

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