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What is a User Story?

Posted by SCRUMstudy® on March 23, 2023

Categories: Agile Product Owner SBOK® Guide Scrum Scrum Guide

What is a User Story?

A User Story is basically a statement of the result a user needs to perform his or her task.

It tells who, what and why pertaining to a prerequisite in a simple and conscientious way often written simply on a notecard or post-it note made of paper.

In Scrum, User Stories are written by the Product Owner to meet the needs of the business user and can also involve input from the entire Scrum Team.

User Stories are an easy way of taking care of customer requirements without the need to make formal requirements documentation and without the need to perform tasks which are about administering and maintaining that documentation.

Faster response–in a much more economical way–to the dynamics of ever changing requirements is the prime intention of the User story.