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Global Accreditation Body for Scrum and Agile Certifications

SCRUMstudy - Global Accreditation Body for Scrum and Agile Certifications

Want to teach Scrum? Or want to get trained in Scrum? In either case, you don't need to look any further.

Mike Faulds

Mike Faulds


Hi, I excited to be teaching SCRUMstudy courses and helping you attain your career goals. I have been a Certified Scrum Master since 2012 attained my SCM certification in 2014. I have been teaching VMedu classes since 2010, starting as PMstudy instructor, which I continue to do. When I was given the chance to teach SCRUMstudy course I jumped at the opportunity. In addition to my teaching experience I am an Agile practitioner with experience as a Scrum Master, Product Owner and Agile Coach. I hope to meet you soon!
